Adolescent Competencies

Updated 8/29/22

Competencies Required for Certification in Adolescent Therapeutic Assessment

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Competencies Required for Certification in Adolescent/Young Adult Therapeutic Assessment*
(*The adolescent model is often used with young adults who are still financially and/or emotionally dependent on their parents)
• Licensed for the independent practice of psychology in at least one jurisdiction
• Previous training in family intervention resulting in the ability to think
systemically about adolescent/family dynamics
1. Competency in psychological testing
1a.  Skilled with at least one valid, broad self-report personality inventory for adolescents/young adults (e.g., MMPI-A-RF, BASC-3, YSR, MACI-2)
1b. Skilled with at least one valid performance-based personality test for adolescents (e.g., Rorschach [CS or R-PAS], AAP, TAT-SCORS, Wartegg [CWS])
1c. Skilled with at least one valid, broad other-report inventory for adolescents (e.g., BASC-3, CBCL, PSI, PIC-2)
1d. Skilled with at least one current broad adolescent cognitive measure (e.g., WISC-V, Woodcock-Johnson IV, DAS-II) and broad achievement measure (e.g., WIAT-IV, WRAT-5)
1e. Skilled with at least one valid, broad self-report personality inventory for adults (e.g., MMPI-2, MMPI-2-RF, MMPI-3, PAI, MCMI-IV, 16PF), to be interpreted in relation to parenting style
2. Initial Sessions
2a. Skilled at maintaining a balanced relationship with adolescent and parents in which each feels respected and that acknowledges appropriate intergenerational boundaries
2b. Skilled at discussing/negotiating issues of confidentiality for the adolescent
2c. Skilled at managing the system during sessions (e.g., handling conflicts that break out, keeping one person from dominating the session)  
2d. Skilled at helping parents formulate assessment questions
2e. Skilled at helping adolescents formulate assessment questions
2f. Skilled at building a secure relationship with the adolescent and parents through emotional attunement, collaborative communication, and repair of disruptions
2g. Clarifies the contract for the assessment with the adolescent and parents
2h. Skilled at gathering background information in a way that begins to contextualize the adolescent’s and family’s problems in living and enlist the clients’ curiosity
3. Early assessment sessions
3a. Skilled at selecting tests that will address the Assessment Questions
3b. Introduces tests to the adolescent client as relevant to the Assessment Questions
3c. Administers tests in a standardized manner
3d. Skilled at extended inquiries of standardized tests
3e. Supports the adolescent client’s affective reactions during the testing sessions
3f. If appropriate, collects information from collateral professionals, involving the adolescent client and parents when possible
3g. Makes use of mid-assessment meetings with parents to collect relevant background information and assess their ability to shift their story about the adolescent
3h. If appropriate, uses testing of the parents and feedback about such testing to help parents begin to see their contribution to the family problems
4. Case conceptualization
4a. Able to integrate test results, observations, and client background to form a coherent case conceptualization
4b. Can consider different theories in integrating the assessment findings
4c. The case conceptualization is grounded in the data, explains the clients’ and family’s dilemma of change, recognizes the clients’ strengths, and hypothesizes about what the parents and adolescent would need to address current struggles
5. Adolescent individual Assessment Intervention Sessions
5a. Skilled at using the case conceptualization to plan an assessment intervention with the adolescent or know when one is not appropriate
5b. Frames the intervention session for the adolescent in terms of the Assessment Questions
5c. Demonstrates flexibility in changing plans when the intervention is unproductive
5d. Balances support and firmness in dealing with the adolescent client’s coping strategies during the intervention
5e. Assessor contains their own insights and helps the adolescent formulate own insights
5f. Supports the adolescent emotionally and intervenes if the client becomes emotionally overwhelmed
6. Family Intervention Sessions
6a. Skilled at using the case conceptualization to plan a family assessment intervention or know when one is not appropriate
6b. Frames the family session for the clients in terms of the Assessment Questions
6c. Demonstrates flexibility in changing plans if the intervention is unproductive
6d. Balances support and firmness in dealing with the parents’ and adolescent’s defenses during the family intervention
6e. Assessor contains their own insights and helps the clients formulate their own insights
6f. Helps clients see systemic aspects of their family interactions and problems in living
6g. Supports the adolescent client and each parent emotionally and intervenes if the clients become emotionally overwhelmed during session
7. Summary/Discussion Sessions
With adolescent alone
7a. Effectively plans the Summary/Discussion Session for the adolescent, taking in consideration “levels” of feedback
7b. Demonstrates flexibility in changing plans if the session does not go as anticipated
7c. Actively involves the adolescent client in confirming and modifying findings
7d. Responds to the adolescent client’s disagreements in a therapeutic manner
7e. Helps the adolescent client tie assessment findings to daily life
7f.  Is able to recognize and intervene if the adolescent becomes overwhelmed
7g. Suggestions for next steps for the adolescent are derived from the assessment findings and these links are made clear for the client
7h. Suggestions for next steps go beyond recommendations for (more) psychotherapy and include things the client can work on alone
7i. Elicits and is open to the adolescent’s input when discussing next steps
7j. Offers to help the adolescent implement next steps
7k. Helps the adolescent client to meta-process the assessment experience
7l. Acknowledges the ending of the assessment with the adolescent client
With parents
7m. Carefully considers whether to invite the adolescent to the parent Summary/Discussion Session and prepares the adolescent if they will be present
7n. Effectively plans the Summary/Discussion Session for the parents taking in consideration “levels” of feedback
7o. Demonstrates flexibility in changing plans if the session does not go as anticipated
7p. Actively involves the adolescent (if present) in the session
7q. Actively involves the parents in confirming and modifying findings
7r. Responds to the parents’ disagreements in a therapeutic manner
7s. Helps the parents tie assessment findings to daily life
7t. Is attuned to the parents’ state of overwhelm
7u. Suggestions for next steps as relayed to the parents are tied to the assessment findings and go beyond recommendations for (more) psychotherapy
7v. Collaboratively discusses suggestions for next steps with the parents
7w. Offers to help the parents implement next steps
7x. Helps the parents to meta-process the assessment experience
7y. Acknowledges the ending of the assessment with the parents
8. Written feedback to adolescent and parents
8a. Written feedback to adolescent client is free of jargon and appropriate for client’s cognitive level and personality
8b. The document reflects the adolescent client’s input during the assessment
8c. The document is both professional and personal
8d. The document shows vitality and creativity
8e. The suggestions for next steps reflect the collaboration with the adolescent client
8f.  Written feedback to parents is free of jargon and appropriate for their cognitive level and personality
8g. The document reflects the parents’ and adolescent’s input during the assessment
8h. The document is both professional and personal
8i. The document shows vitality and creativity
8j. The suggestions for next steps reflect the collaboration with the parents
9. Follow-up session
9a. Structures the session to include individual time with the adolescent, then parents, and time with adolescent and parents together
9b. Collaborates with the clients to set the goals for the session
9c. Inquires about the clients’ reaction to the written feedback
9d. Notices and comments on positive changes/strivings
9e. Helps the adolescent client and parents meta-process the assessment
experience, together and/or separately
9f. Effectively acknowledges the ending of the assessment with the adolescent and    the parents
10. Relationship with the referring professional (if applicable)
10a. Avoids going “one-up” or “one down” with the referring professional
10b. Helps the referring professional frame useful questions for the assessment
10c. Maintains contact with the referring professional during the assessment
10d. Is attentive to the possibility of unhelpful triangulations with the adolescent client, parents and referring professional
10e. Facilitates the transition of the adolescent and family back to the referring professional after the TA
11. Use of consultation
11a. Is aware of own strengths and weaknesses
11b. Seeks consultation and collaboration when appropriate
11c. Is open to feedback, while taking own authority
11d. Is aware of own reactions to the adolescent client and parent and uses these      therapeutically