Videos and Podcasts

Below find videos and podcasts related to Collaborative/Therapeutic Assessment that you may find interesting. 

Listen to Dr. Stephen Finn's podcast discussing shame with two Austin therapists on their show, "Therapist Uncensored." Click here to listen.

Listen to Dr. Stephen Finn's podcast discussing Epistemic Trust and TA on "Therapist Uncensored." Click here to listen. 

Listen to Dr. Raja David's podcast discussing TA in a two part episode on Dr. Jeremy's Sharp's show, "The Testing Psychologist." This podcast is also eligible for CEU's! For Part 1, click here to listen. For Part 2, click here to listen.

Listen to Dr. Julie Cradock O'Leary discussion on the assessment of shame. Julie is one of the developer's of the Thurston Cradock Test of Shame which is a great performance based assessment measure with an empirically derived scoring system. Click here to listen. 

Listen to Dr. Filippo Aschieri's discussion of Therapeutic Assessment in an interview by Irem Atak for the International Rorschach Society. Click here to listen.

Watch Dr. Stephen Finn discuss the Principals of TA and the Assessment Intervention Sessions in TA. These segments are generously provided by The Society for Personality Assessment and are part of the Pioneers of Collaborative/Therapeutic Assessment DVD series where Dr. Stephen Finn, Dr. Constance Fischer, and Dr. Leonard Handler discuss their different assessment approaches. To purchase the entire series or learn more about the Society for Personality Assessment go to:

Watch a webinar by Dr. Stephen Finn on "How Therapeutic Assessment Works: Theory and Techniques. Click here to watch.

Watch an interview of Stephen Finn by Alessandro Crisi, Psy.D. for the Guild of Psychologists of Lazio, Italy;
In Italian, published 8/1/2013, “Introduzione all’Assessment Terapeutico” [“Introduction to Therapeutic Assessment.” 

Listen to Dr. Connie Fischer, one of the pioneers of our approach to assessment, speak briefly about collaborative assessment:

Listen to Dr. Stephen Finn lecture on couples’ dances and Therapeutic Assessment (in Italian).
“Perché adesso mi infastidisce ciò che prima amavo di te?” (“Why can I no longer stand the things I loved about you?”):

Listen to Dr. Stephen Finn lecture on using the MMPI-2-RF in TA. "Using the MMPI-2-RF in Therapeutic Assessment (TA):

Watch Dr. Stephen Finn's acceptance speech at American Psychological Association for the 2018 Carl Rogers Award:

Watch a speech that Dr. Cristina Augello and Dr. Filippo Aschieri (video is in Italian) gave to the Potificio Istituto Giovanni Poalo II in Rome. This video illustrates the value of TA.